Fraud Detected? Contact us , kindly allow up to 8 hours maximum to verify the transactions and send the goods. Product no longer works? Contact us in new ticket and we will get to you as soon as possible.




Terms of Service

  • Do Not Charge Back
  • Do Not Leave A Bad Ratings Before Contacting Me
  • Do Not Change Any Account Details (Profiles, Emails, Password, etc.)
  • Warranty are stated and depending on the circumstances, giving positive feedbacks adds 2 weeks extra warranty
  • Product delivery are up to 8 hours (only in some cases but 95% are done asap)
  • Refunds are not possible*

*Refunds the second after you buy some items are not available. However, you can ask for refund if the account you have used for few days are not working properly or dead. The calculations of the refund will be **deducted ** by the days the account are working.

Example : Products are supposed to last 1 month and it cost $5. If it only lasted 2 weeks, then only 50% of the price will be refunded as you have used 2 weeks out of it. In conclusions, the refund will be $2.5.


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